A 45’-60’ power driven recreational boat is considered a large size motor yacht. A yacht in this class offers a modern sleek appearance as well luxurious feeling on all the finishes, it can be cruised perfectly on a middle distance over the weekend for 10 or more passengers* , the space is very comfortable like a home, you will feel all the amenities onboard just like a 5 star resort. On the performance, this class yacht equipped with 1,000 plus horse power engine makes it a very powerful animal, MSPR of this class motor yacht usually starts at 1 million US dollars and up, enjoy the opportunity to experience this luxury big toy. OnBoat wants to ensure the best of your boating experience. OnBoat has a long checklist to make sure every boat in service meets both safety and comfort requirement.Major manufacturer brand name of large-size motor yacht:
SEARAY www.searay.com FAIRLINE www.fairline.com MARQUIS www.marquisyachts.com Photo gallery for large-size motor yacht**Large-size Motor Yacht details:
CHART: Specification of a large-size motor yacht
Length | 45′-55′ |
Beam Size | 13′-15′ |
Dry Weight | 24,000-28,000 Lbs |
Draft | 3′-5′ |
Ballast | 6’000-8’000 Lbs |
Max cruising Speed | 30 knots |
Onboard equipment list:
[column col=”1/4″]Comfort
- Bimini, provide shade for cockpit area
- Dodger, prevent wind and waves
- 2 Restroom onboard***
- In Cabin Lounge
- 2-3 Bedrooms
- In Cabin dining Table
- Cockpit Coffee Table
- Cockpit sitting Area
- Cockpit Saloon
- Full Kitchen
- Refrigerator
- Freezer
- Air Condition
- Hot/Cold water
- WIFI****
- Hifi Audio
- USCG approved life jackets
- USCG approved fire extinguisher
- Emergency Radio System
- Emergency Signal
- Through able floating device
- Auto Pilot
- GPS with chart plotter
- Wind Indicator
- Radar
*Federal regulation limited the number of passengers at maximum of 6 does not matter the size of boat for non-commercial boats
** Photos provided by manufacturer, may not same with actual boat
*** Federal regulation prohibited the use of marine restroom within the distance of 3 nautical miles offshore, please inquire captain before use onboard toilet
**** Due to mobile signal condition, not available all times and all locations
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ONBOAT offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel.综述:
长度介于40-60英尺(9-12.3米)间的休闲用动力游艇被定义为大型豪华游艇,这种尺寸的游艇设计意图是为了满足名流富豪对航海体验的苛刻要求,外观大气时尚,内饰豪华舒适,电子设备齐全,通常有2-3个卧室及全套舒适性装备,其设计和科技的应用是现代工业文明的精华。被用来作为中短途航海休闲航行,适合家庭活动及中小型的聚会。大型豪华游艇在动力性能上及其出色,通常装备了2台大马力发动机拥有1000以上马力以获得高速航海性能。为了在舒适性和成本之间找到最佳的平衡,OnBoat为雷神之旅选用了45-55英尺的游艇,这个尺寸的船只适合6-12位(备注1)贵客舒适地乘坐,享受成功人生的美好时光。 OnBoat非常在意您航海旅行的舒适和安全,OnBoat的管理条例有完整的检查表来确保您所乘坐的船只是舒适和安全的。以下是主流帆船品牌和生产厂商的信息,如有兴趣可以详细了解:
Searay 产地美国 www.searay.com Fairline 产地美国 www.fairline.com Marquis 产地法国 www.marquisyachts.com 大型豪华游艇的参考照片集(备注2)大型摩托游艇详细简绍:
表格: 大型摩托游艇详细说明表
长度 | 45-55尺,约14-18米 |
宽度 | 13-15尺,约4-5米 |
净重 | 24,000-32,000 磅,约11-15吨 |
吃水深度 | 3-5尺,约1-2米 |
有效载重 | 6’000-8’000 磅,约2-2.5吨 |
最高巡航速度 | 30节, 1节=1.9公里 |
[column col=”1/4″]舒适
- 遮阳篷,为驾驶舱及露天乘员区提供遮阳
- 挡风整流罩,为驾驶舱及露天乘员区遮挡风浪
- 船上厕所浴室(备注3)
- 舱内沙发
- 2-3个卧室
- 舱内餐桌
- 舱外咖啡桌
- 舱外座位区
- 露天厨房或舱内厨房
- 冰箱
- 冷冻柜
- 冷/热洗漱用水
- 无线网络(备注4)
- 立体声音响
- 救生衣
- 灭火器
- 紧急无线电台
- 紧急信号设备
- 可抛掷救生设备
- 自动巡航
- GPS全球定位系统和电子海图
- 风向风力感应器
- 雷达
- 海水深度声纳
备注4: 船上的WIFI由无线运营商提供,可能不适用与所有海洋区域及条件
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